About Brent George

Mr. George understands that every client is unique, that every client has different needs and that every client must be treated with dignity and respect. As a bankruptcy attorney with a primary office in Thousand Oaks, CA servicing clients in Ventura County and Oxnard, Mr. George works hard to make sure that all of his client’s legal needs are met and that every client is satisfied with the services they receive from The Law Offices of Brent D. George.

The Nuts and Bolts of Assigning Fault for a Traffic Accident

By |2022-02-08T18:37:08+00:00February 8th, 2022|Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Automobile and other vehicle accidents are so common in American society that most statistical reports concentrate on fatalities. For example, the California Office of Traffic Safety states that 3,606 victims died in traffic accidents in the state during 2019. As heartbreaking as that statistic is, [...]

4 Important Tips for Filing Your Personal Injury Claim

By |2022-01-24T20:23:34+00:00January 24th, 2022|Personal Injury|

Californians value their personal injury laws that provide compensation to those who suffer harm from the negligent acts of others, but individuals who experience personal injuries must take a proactive stance to protect their rights and file a claim. Knowledge and understanding of personal injury [...]

Beware of Common Personal Injuries That Strike Unexpectedly

By |2021-12-20T23:34:22+00:00December 20th, 2021|Personal Injury|

When it comes to personal injuries in California, the possibilities are nearly endless. Whether you are crossing a busy street, shopping at your favorite store, or sitting in your own gazebo sipping morning coffee, someone's carelessness can cause an unforeseen disaster to invade your life. [...]

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