What to Do When the Creditors Just Won’t Stop Calling
No matter how responsible you are, in today’s economy, it’s easy to fall behind on your payments. Maybe you lost your job and can no longer afford your mortgage. Maybe financial situations have changed, and you can’t pay off your credit cards like you planned. Or maybe the changing consumer climate meant that your great business idea never got off the ground, so you can’t repay your loans. Your reasons are understandable, but the collection agencies don’t seem to want to listen.
If creditors won’t stop calling you, then it’s time to pick up the phone and call your local Thousand Oaks bankruptcy attorney. Brent George Law can help you file for bankruptcy and get a fresh start for your financial future.
Filing for Bankruptcy Might Be Your Only Way Out
The decision to file for bankruptcy is not an easy decision to make. Nor should it be made lightly. Speaking to a qualified bankruptcy attorney can help you weigh all available options and decide if filing for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy is the right step for you.
Bankruptcy can be a great way to wipe the slate clean and regain your financial freedom. However, it’s important to understand exactly what bankruptcy means, which form of bankruptcy is right for you and how to correctly file your claim. One wrong step and you could be back where you started, or in even worse shape. That’s where Brent George Law comes into play.
With years of experienced, their team of experienced lawyers will go through your financial statements, tax returns and other documentation with a fine-toothed comb to make sure they create the best plan of attack for your personal situation.
Make the Phone Stop Ringing
If you want to give yourself some breathing room while you are going through your bankruptcy options, call your creditors and explain to them that you are in the process of filing for bankruptcy and that they will receive more information shortly. This will buy you a little time and help you maintain your sanity so that you are clear-headed when discussing your options with your local Thousand Oaks bankruptcy attorney.
No more hiding from collection agencies’ phone calls or trembling with anxiety every time the mailman comes to call. With the expert team at Brent George Law helping you through the process, you will be able to confidently navigate the tricky waters of filing for bankruptcy. Once on the other side, you’ll find yourself staring at a future full of opportunity.
Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For personalized assistance, please contact our office at (805)494-8400.