Why Does a Business Need a Lawyer?

By |Published On: September 25th, 2014|Categories: Business Law|

After the rush and excitement of establishing your own business, the day to day operations may seem pretty calm. As an owner, you might feel confident in the direction that you’re taking. This is a good thing, but some business owners begin to feel too complaisant and don’t take all of the necessary steps to protect the well-being of their business. One important step is to hire an attorney with business law experience.

Confronted by Serious Legal Issues

It is clear that your business will need a lawyer if you are presented with serious legal problems. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have been affected by cases such as fraud investigation, breach of contract suits, and civil lawsuits brought about by unsatisfied clients. There are other issues that a business lawyer can address when necessary:

  • Recovery of money from debtors
  • Defenses to lawsuits
  • Foreclosure issues

Don’t wait until significant legal issues crop up to hire a lawyer, though. There are plenty of other business activities that go along more smoothly with the help of an attorney.

When Business Issues Meet Legal Matters

A business law attorney can assist you with many of the civil matters that affect business operations. Look at some of the following examples:

  • Your business is interested in arranging special allocations for the different partners.
  • A creditor is seeking collections against your business.
  • An employee is seeking legal action because of wage garnishment.
  • You want to work out a new lease or adjust your current lease.
  • It is time to review severance agreements for employees.

These situations can all be handled more appropriately with legal assistance.

The Risks of Not Hiring an Attorney

Knowing the benefits of working with a lawyer should be enough to convince you to hire one, and there are risks involved when you neglect to bring an attorney on board:

  • The costs of legal mistakes can outweigh any costs involved when hiring a lawyer.
  • Your business could suffer irreparable harm when not represented by an experienced attorney.
  • You could personally become involved in legal questions that stem from business issues.

Protect Your Business as You Do Your Other Assets

You wouldn’t neglect to hire a dentist if you had a cavity. You wouldn’t wait until your car is running poorly before you took it to a professional for a tune-up. Working with an attorney is similar to working with professionals in other fields. Take your legal issues to a lawyer before they pose significant risks to the well-being of your business. Whether you want to hire an attorney to represent your business at all times or consult with one in order to address issues as they come up, our professionals at Brent George Law can determine your best course of action.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For personalized assistance, please contact our office at (805)494-8400.

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